How to Avoid Plumbing Emergencies in the Home

Plumbing emergencies don't always happen because of a sudden and unexpected issue with a home's plumbing; instead, many such emergencies are the result of long-term negligence of the home's plumbing system or of misuse of the plumbing parts in the home. A homeowner who overlooks small fixes and repairs can also soon be faced with a plumbing disaster and the huge repair bills that go along with it! To avoid such emergencies, note a few tips to keep in mind, and this will help to keep your home's plumbing in good condition.

Mixing materials

When you replace a kitchen or bathroom faucet or a pipe under the sink, you need to be very careful about the materials you choose for these pieces. Mixing metals can mean faster corrosion when those metals get wet, so connections soon crack and leak. Lightweight plastic may not be able to properly support heavier metal pipes, and this can also allow leaks to form. Make sure you know the right material for pipes, washers, flanges and other such pieces when replacing any parts on your own, and don't assume you can just mix and match those items.

Water softener

If your home has hard water, meaning that it's full of minerals, it's good to have a water softener installed. This isn't just to keep your skin and hair from getting dry due to exposure to those minerals but also to keep those elements from hardening around the home's hot water tank and plumbing pipes. Those minerals, chemicals and crystals can damage the inside of the water tank and the inside of plumbing pipes and connectors. In turn, your water tank might eventually crack and leak, as will the home's pipes. A water softener is an affordable and easy way to avoid such potential disasters.

Items in the drains

Plumbing pipes are not indestructible or impervious to damage from long-term exposure to various chemicals. This is why you don't want to treat those drains and pipes as a catchall for everything in the home you want to dispose of, including old paint solvents and thinners, cleaning solutions and even products like nail polish remover. Greasy substances, including cooking oils and thick body washes, can also solidify once they're in the plumbing pipes, causing clogs, pressure on the pipes, and potential leaks, cracks and other such damage. Dispose of these items in the rubbish rather than letting them wash down a drain.

Contact a company like Sam's Local Plumbing if you have questions.
